
Last session, which open the question of the inner exchange among eastern European countries as the starting problem of their self denial towards the west, curved into my mind, indeed. Especially the precise statements made by Andrea Tompa. Lack of artistic interest and cultural fonding for the communication inside our area, as well as the long historical continuity of mutual ignorance give another perspective on the issue of our presence and visibility in wider European context. I believe that it is important conclusion and the topic that should be better scrutinized in order to solve the complex that was partially produced by ourselves. It is the task for some next post-dramaqueens. Ivana Sajko

Eröffnung: Olaf Kühl, Dorota Maslowska, Ivana Sajko und Sabine Adler 

Eröffnung im Literarischen Colloquium Berlin 

Lesestimmen: Aline Staskowiak und Meike Schlüter 

Panel Provokationen: Marysia Nikitiuk und Claudia Dathe 

Performance: Anica Tomić und Jelena Kovačić 

Gianina Carbunariu, Insa Wilke und Monika Muskala 

Panel Kreuzungen: Christina Links und Claudia Dathe 

Panel Kreuzungen: Yvonne Büdenhölzer und Gordana Vnuk 

Nino Haratischwili 

Nicoleta Esinencu 

Panel Die Bühne im Rampenlicht: Andrea Tompa 

Panel Die Bühne im Rampenlicht: Anja Suša  

Maja Pelević 

Abschlussgespräch: Barbora Schnelle